Thursday, May 28, 2009

Misc ellaneoos

So the top photo is a poster I saw today stuck on a pole. I thought it was interesting because it seemed to be anti war, so it was created by someone who believed Obama when he said he would stop the war. So maybe that means that the people who voted him in are dissatisfied with his performance so far. It's interesting that it took less than 6 months.

The second is the new look I'm sporting these days. What does everyone think?

The third picture I thought looked the truck's bed liner had developed a massive fungal infection that erupted. Kristen thinks it looks like it's guts got ripped out.


Anonymous said...

Here's what I think about your photos:
I think ending the war is easier said than done. Maybe Obama is finding that out. I think the 2nd photo makes you look like a biker. All you need is a Harley now! In the 3rd photo, I thought Elmo from Sesame street was trying to escape from under a black tarp or something. Have a good day. Holly

Anonymous said...

I thought the red thing was my Ute wig, caught under the truck liner. I am still very happy with Obama, but it probably will be harder than it looked to get us out of the war. That's why Bushie should have started the process years ago. The more i read about Lincoln, the more I admire him and see correlation between Lincoln and Obama. That's just what I think. Mom

Matt and Ashley said...

That guy killed Elmo and was trying to hide him in his truck until he could bury the body.